Monday, August 18, 2008

Day Something

I have already lost count of the days that I have been here. There is an overwhelming number of things to do here. The public transportation system is excellent. I can go pretty much anywhere in the city and back for about a dollar. The people seem to eat and wear colors no westerner would ever dare. I keep running across restaurants selling what I have begun to call blue chicken. They smell horrible and look equally as bad. I imagine the preparation process involves beating a the chicken then letting it sit at room temperature for a number of hours.

We have been all over the city in the past couple of days. The Taipei 101 is pretty high and there are some insanely ornate temples and monuments around as well. If I had a camera I would post but I don't so at a later date I will... We ate at the modern toilet restaurant for dinner tonight Our food came in miniature toilets, we sat on toilets and the dessert was poop shaped ice cream in a mini squat toilet. Again pictures would be nice but still no camera. The end.


mad said...

Glad to hear your settling in. I've heard of that toilet it really exists! Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Mike said... cream feces served in a toilet. Now why didn't I think of that?!?

David said...

The food was actually really good. I'd give it two thumbs up, one for taste, one for presentation. Oddly enough the hostel in which we are staying also has a Modern toilet.