Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day Something

It poured all day yesterday. I'm guessing the typhoon brought all the rain. Someone said it is supposed to rain for the next two weeks but it is sunny, hot, and humid right now so I'm not so sure sure the weathermen are to be trusted here either. The plan today is to take the Maokong gondola across the city and into the tea tree covered mountains. Hopefully we can score a big bag of good stuff there.... aka oolong tea. I'm yet to get an official job but I do have a business woman that I'm going to be teaching English thrice a week. We now have a camera so pictures will be coming soon.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Cool pictures. I like all the scooters. Do you guys have jobs that will keep you in the country? I sent your blog link to some of mom's family and friends.